Doing Business Here

“To be considered for registration as a NIB, a Nunavik Inuit Business application form must be completed and submitted to the NIB Coordinator. The business must also conform to the criteria set out in the NIB Policy. To learn more about the Policy and the NIB criteria, please click below”

View Our Policy

About the Makivvik Corporation Business Development Mandate

Makivvik’s distinct mandate ranges from owning large profitable business enterprises and generating jobs; to social economic development, improved housing conditions, to protection of the Inuit language and culture and the natural environment.

Throughout its history Makivvik has spoken on behalf of the Inuit of Nunavik in order to uphold the constitutionally protected rights of all Nunavimmiut.

In carrying out its mandate, which stems from the signing of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, Makivvik works within the Nunavik region with the main organizations created as a result of the JBNQA, with the government of Quebec, and the government of Canada.

Makivvik also works with fellow Inuit from across Inuit Nunangat – the Inuit homeland – as part of the national Inuit political process, formally represented by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK). At the circumpolar level Makivvik is a member of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC).

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Business Directory

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